
You have a one in four chance of being involved in an auto accident in any five year period. While not all car accidents cause serious injury, those that do can have truly devastating results. Victims of car accident injuries may require significant treatment, and injuries may prevent them from working, making it difficult to pay for necessary medical care. If you or someone you know or love has been injured in an auto accident in southern California, you need representation by a law firm familiar with car accident claims to protect your rights.

Every Los Angeles car accident attorney at Yadidi Law has extensive experience handling car accident injury cases. Our personal injury lawyers have successfully represented thousands of clients throughout California. Contact an experienced Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney now for a free consultation at (818) 981-3377 or contact us online.

Car Accident Injuries

Injuries that result from automobile accidents are permanent in approximately two-thirds of the cases, and you only get one chance to settle. Car property damage, whether it’s just a rumpled fender or more extensive damage, happens in nearly every car accident. The insurance companies are looking out for their own interests, and you need a dedicated and aggressive auto accident lawyer on your side to see that your interests are met. If you have been hit by an uninsured motorist, you need a car accident attorney to make sure your rights are protected.

In cases involving serious injury, such as those that result in traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury, whiplash or the loss of limbs, as well as those that result in a fatality or wrongful death, car accident lawyers are a necessity. At our personal injury law firm, which has handled thousands of such accident cases, our car crash attorneys have the experience and contacts to make sure that experts in the medical field are consulted so you can be assured of getting the care you need. We’ve dealt with unwilling insurance companies, and we know how to get you the highest possible settlement.

Even if no other driver was involved, or if you were a passenger in a limousine accident, bus accident victim, train crash victim, or if you’ve suffered from an SUV rollover accident, we can help. We’re also experienced in product liability cases, and many car accidents result from defective equipment, whether it’s faulty breaks or exploding tires. We can make sure that you don’t have to pay for accidents or injuries that weren’t your fault, and we can handle the paperwork while you concentrate on recovering your health.

Call Today For A Free
No-Obligation Consultation (818) 981-3377

Each Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer at Yadidi Law has extensive experience in all types of accident and personal injury cases, including motorcycle injury, truck accidents, dog bites and attacks, and slip and fall cases. We have successfully represented thousands of clients in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Francisco, San Jose, Riverside and beyond.

We work hard to ensure that our clients recover lost wages, receive compensation for their medical expenses, pain and suffering, and get the full range of the medical attention they need. Contact us now for a free consultation with a Los Angeles car accident lawyer by calling (818) 981-3377 or contact us online.

Tesla Car Accident Attorney